sidewalk|sidewalks in English


path on the side of a road intended for pedestrians

Use "sidewalk|sidewalks" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sidewalk|sidewalks" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sidewalk|sidewalks", or refer to the context using the word "sidewalk|sidewalks" in the English Dictionary.

1. Sidewalks cleared out.

2. Climbing down off sidewalks?

3. Moving sidewalks, flying cars.

4. ‘The two Areaways which remain, under Broughton and Broad Street sidewalks, provide a unique opportunity for the city to illuminate purple glass from underneath at night.’ ‘This basement area extends under the sidewalk as an areaway, which is lit from glass lights in the sidewalk above.’

5. Get off the sidewalk.

6. Drive on the sidewalk!

7. Look at the dirty unswept sidewalks.

8. The sidewalks are bustling with people.

9. Do not expectorate on the sidewalks.

10. In bars, in cars sidewalks, stores, everywhere.

11. 15 dog poop on the sidewalk.

12. We step over them on the sidewalk.

13. The flowerpot crashed to the sidewalk.

14. I stepped back onto the sidewalk.

15. The sidewalk swarmed with streetwise children.

16. I'll use these sidewalks in Rio as an example.

17. He crowded the child off the sidewalk.

18. Houston scooters Booted from sidewalks to deadly streets

19. Some stores display their wares on the sidewalks.

20. Garbage had been piled high on the sidewalk.

21. 10 Messengers who jostle pedestrians on the sidewalk.

22. Bricklayers work on sidewalks, streets, homes, walls, and more

23. Streets and sidewalks are blocked by mammoth construction projects.

24. A child was toddling along the sidewalk.

25. From a legal standpoint, Crosswalks are extensions of sidewalks